Modify Your Workout Routines For Better Muscle Building and More Fat Loss

Modify Your Workout Routines For Better Muscle Building and More Fat Loss
Don't you hate it when you hit that dreaded training plateau after making so much progress in gaining strength, losing body fat and feeling so much better health wise. Then you start to dread going to your workouts because it is getting so old. And then you start gaining a pound of two...
Well, that happens to everyone at one time or another. And the major reason for hitting that training plateau for most folks is because they NEVER change their exercise workouts. A lot of people will stick with the same ol' basic exercise routines, repetitions and rest periods followed by a real boring aerobic or cardio workout.
And that is the purpose of why I wrote this article for you. To open your mind to other possibilities and add more oomph to your workouts.
And sure, there are lots of ways you can make changes to your training routine to get the effective fat loss that you desire. And it can get complicated and after a while you get bogged down in details. And pretty soon, would you look at that! You don't feel like working out so much because it too much work.
Well, this is when a good personal trainer steps in. He or she can figure out the best routines that you can try to vary your workouts and still get the maximum fat burning. I got some ideas that you are welcomed to try out. 
You see, many people use routines that are structured with reps in three sets, with a short period of rest in-between. I'll have to tell you this... doing what everyone else is doing is boring and is not necessarily the best way to do anything...

Let's try one of these for each day you workout:
Do three repetition -- ten times
Do heavier weights -- six repetitions -- six times
Do almost maximum weights -- 10 repetitions -- one time
Do lighter weights -- one repetition -- fifty times
Do a workout routine based on compound exercise (using major muscles instead of focusing on a muscle).
Do a complete workout with no rest between
Do the complete workout but in reverse order
Do the workout faster than normal
And then do a workout slower than normal
Do five workouts for one week and then do only three workouts for a week
And one of my favorite challenges -- Do drop sets. What you do is keep doing your workout but drop the weight after a short rest. Until you get complete muscular fatigue
There you go! You got tons of ideas how to change and vary your workout regime so your body is constantly challenged. You will find that you are looking forward to your workouts.

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